The TED conference organisers are planning to produce a commemorative publication to celebrate TED’s 30th Anniversary


To produce proposals for a ’conference publication’ that captures the spirit of ‘The One Hundred best lectures’ (transcripts of the lectures, additional content from non-attending contributors, biographies, quotes, etc.). Consider your role as ‘editor’ and play it safe making sure the publication  functions typographically.


A black, white & red publication, using a 6×6 grid and the typefaces Gill Sans and Adobe Garamond

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Brief: You now have a 300-1000 word story based on one of these four themes

Guilt, Risk, Loss & Luck

You also have it distilled into a simple sentence, these will now form the content for your brief. Find a compelling way of expressing your story in the form of a book.

Story found here

For this project I produced a ‘Tower of Mistakes’. I did this to symbolise how every relationship has its common faults and errors. Therefore creating a tower to symbolise how these mistakes are all built on top of one another. Making one mistake may not affect the relationship or structure a great deal, however the more you make the more the structure becomes weakened, as described within the story.

The colour scheme I kept to a minimal to allow all the attention to be drawn to the text. Also the colour white is commonly referred to as the colour of purity and perfection. So therefore on first glance the viewer believes the piece to be quite tranquil and innocent, however on proper observation you realise that it is far from peaceful.

The hard-back book containing the story, is hidden within a Jenga cube itself, which forms one layer of a typical Jenga game (75x75mm). This book is simple and minimalistic to match the other components. And also contains quotes and responses from friends and family in relation to the topic Love/ Relationships.

The box which the Jenga blocks are contained in fits with the theme well, simple with two words hand cut into it.

Jenga & Vunja, Build & Break.

